For a vibrant Art Town and successful companies
The development companies of the Art Town Mänttä-Vilppula are the economic development company MW-Kehitys Oy and the real estate management and development company Yrke Kiinteistöt Oy. MW-Kehitys and Yrke Kiinteistöt are jointly responsible for the development of the town, its viability and the economic environment. We offer our versatile expert services to local businesses and entrepreneurs, promote creative and daring projects and offer flexible office space solutions. Extensive and active cooperation networks assist in promoting the business development of local companies and increasing the region’s viability.

Business development services
We offer comprehensive information as well as versatile and expert development services for both start-up and long-established companies. Our services, based on the needs of companies and entrepreneurs, include business establishment, business development as well as financing advice. We support you personally, flexibly and confidentially at all stages of your company’s life cycle. Our goal is your company’s success!
Business premises
Are you looking for a suitable place for your business or are you considering locating in the Art Town Mänttä-Vilppula? Let us help you find the best possible office space or industrial plot for your company. Mänttä-Vilppula has a business-friendly atmosphere, a good logistical location as well as a competitive business environment. The developed business life, unique cultural experiences and diverse sports and leisure offerings make the living environment pleasant and inspiring. Our location services will help you get started. Contact us and we will find a suitable solution for you and your company!

Contact us!
Pasi Mäkinen
Development manager
Gsm. +358 44 517 5107
Tero Turunen
Business expert, services for beginning entrepreneurs
Gsm. +358 44 525 3266
Teemu Kivinen
Real Estate Manager
Gsm. +358 50 300 1261
Juha Kolhinen
Project expert
Gsm. +358 50 597 9220
Silvia Ufer
Planning coordinator
Gsm. +358 50 311 0113
Otto Huttunen
General Manager
Gsm. +358 50 441 3249